ECOrasmus : website of the project

Ecorasmus aims to train and empower young people and youth leaders to improve the quality, innovation and recognition of their work, and to move towards a “sustainable green Europe“.
– four two-day working meetings in Spain (Barcelona, April 2022, one participant), France (June 2022, two participants), Germany (Berlin, November 2022, two participants), Holland (Amsterdam, February 2024, two participants)
– a local working group throughout the project
– two training courses in Spain (February 2023) and Hungary (March 2023)
– an event to be organised in France to bring together forty national participants (November 2023)
The identity gave rise to several stages of development implemented collaboratively A first very illustrative bias (mascot) was replaced in the project thread by a more refined approach First framing of creative avenues (collective videoconference workshop) 2. Manual graphical searches 3. variations
One of the objectives of the European Youth Strategy is to “achieve a society in which all young people are environmentally active, educated and able to make a difference in their everyday lives.” While the current climate movements show that young people are a great asset in moving towards environmental and sustainable development, many current … Continue reading ECOrasmus : project summary and call for applications