phandi: Intuitive writing (tutorial 03)

An animator proposes a workshop about intuitive writing. Participants must be relaxed before this workshop and feel secure in the group. They should have done some activities before and this workshop should arrive at the end of the week.

  • Purpose : introspection, share
  • Duration : 30’
  • Materials : just some notebooks or paper and pen
  • Participants : any age, any number 


– The animator proposes to everyone to sit in a comfortable position and close their eyes for a few seconds and concentrate on how they feel

– Everyone takes a notebook or a piece of paper and a pen 

– The animator proposes to everyone to write a letter to their inner child, to the child they were before, and the participants can choose to read their letter aloud to everyone or not 

– Then, the animator proposes to everyone to write a letter to themselves, addressing the person they are today, and again, participants can choose to read their letter aloud or not 

– Finally, the animator proposes to everyone to write a letter to their future self, and once again, participants can choose to share their letter with the group or keep it private 


Self-reflection is important, and it’s sometimes crucial to be aware of our weaknesses and strengths. By proposing this workshop to the participants, and also encouraging them to share their thoughts, it helps them to express their will and opinions openly.